Cloth Diaper Resources and Reviews
This page is dedicated to resources on Cloth Diapering as well as links to reviews I've done so you can check out some diapers you may have your eye on.
Cloth Diaper Reviews
"Never has the devil found such fertile territory upon which to work as in this era when his very existence is denied by so many" - St. Padre Pio
These are all such great companies!
I'm new to cloth diapering...thanks for posting these reviews!!
I haven't tried any of these yet. I am looking for a "night" solution.
My son is now almost 6 months old and we use them every day (we use something else at night.) The two rows of snaps make the diaper fit well around the waist and around his legs (and he has some chunky thighs!) He only rarely has any leaks and he doesn't get the ugly red marks on his thighs that some diapers leave.
I just love these!! My children were born right when disposables came out so I never experienced using cloth diapers. I've always wanted to try them but didn'ing these a shot come July. Great post!!t. Now that my G'children are arriving I try to convince the parents to at least give it a try. My daughter just agreed, so we will be giv
Thanks for the reviews!! I've been cd'ing since ds was born, 4/22/13;) He's grown out of the newborns, and I'm looking to buy more, so the info is helpful!
Great reviews. There are so many diapers available that it always helps to have a little valued guidance.
These are really well done reviews. I hadn't heard of several of these companies before. Now I feel like I can make a much more educated decision when buying. Thank you!
Great to see reviews for WAHM companies!
Thanks for all the resources!! :)
I am new to cloth diapering - thank you for the reviews, they were so helpful!
I love cloth diapering. Thank you so much for these reviews! All of these brands are new to me.
Love that little diaper on the bottom right!
Thank you for posting this, i am new to cloth diapering and I can use all the info about them that I can get !
I love reading reviews about lesser known and WAHM brands. Those have ended up being some of my favorite diapers.
Cloth diapering has been in my family for decades, but the ways they have changed are so much better! And cute!
I love your resources because I am new to cloth diapering :)
A dear friend of mine is expecting in the next few months and has shown interest in cloth diapering. The amount of diapers available now is so much greater than when my daughter was an infant. I'll be sure to direct her to this page so she can investigate these great companies! I know I had a cloth diaper addiction and hoarded as many cute ones as I can. Glad I don't have anyone in diapers right now or I'd be broke!
Cloth diapers have come such a long way, from when my boys were in diapers! I think they are great for babies and the earth, thank you cloth diapering mommas.
I've been looking for more CD reviews, thank you! This is truly awesome.
Such a wonderful resource to new-to-cloth mommas!!
Wow, I need to research these companies. I have only heard mention a maybe 3 on this list. Here I go again!
I used cloth diapers on and off with my girls but now that I am getting ready to have grandkids, I want my daughters to try it too. Will share this with them in hopes of them seeing the plus sides of cloth diapers.
Thanks so much for posting this. I will be a first time mom and we are planning on using cloth diapers. The reviews I have been reading have been very helpful.
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