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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Blessed be God in the Good and the Bad-a parents nightmare

On Christmas Day one of the scariest things that could happen to a parent happen to us.
As we were winding down and finishing up our evening the kids were getting ready for bed and all was being cleaned up. We let our dog in from the cold weather and having gone outside. This dog has been party of our family for 6 years and was our "first baby". Well it seems that in all the chaos we didn't realize our little princess Gigi followed Jake our dog into our bedroom. When all of a sudden we heard a horrible noise mixed between a little girl yelling and dog growling and attacking.
We couldn't run fast enough back there to find Gigi's face covered in blood and screaming.
It turned out Jake had bitten her in the face. To be honest with you it has had to be one of the most horrifiying moments of my life. As fast as we could we got dressed and rushed her to the Emergency room. To add insult to injury we had been stranded all day in the house due to a Christmas Blizzard that swept the area leaving a 5 foot drift fort around the house. Of course our car was behing that fort and that made life even harder! Through all of this I was asking God for his help but new in my heart that God would not forsake us. I offered all the pain in my heart up to the suffering souls in purgatory and knew that they along with our Blessed Mother would intercede in our behalf.
We had managed to clear a lot of the blood away but weren't sure the extent of the damage made. Thanks be to God her prognosis was/is Excellent! The doctor told us he was scared to walk into the room when he heard there was a dog attack in there because of all he had seen in his previous experiences but was tickled pink to see that what she had suffered had been minor in comparative to what he has seen/expected. She did need 4 stitches on one cut, 2 on another and 1 close to the eye but thankfully all those wounds were so minor compared to what could have happened.
Even though more than 10 days have passed and stiches are gone,and wounds are healing wonderfully I still shiver at what could have happen. We have always treated our dog with love and we were aware that he didn't really like the kids but we never allowed them alone together. He was always kept separate from the kids and that was that. However, I cannot heed enough warning to all of you for what happen. He was always a great dog! Everyone loves Jake! So for him to do this shows you that if he could any good dog could turn because Alas, they are animals.
I know God's diving hand played a great part in all of this and I know that the Infant Jesus protected my little princess. Not a few minutes before we had sang "Happy Birthday to Jesus" on this very special day. Many people ask me how I can possible imagine something so horrible happening on Christmas and I answer them, no something Miraculous happen on that day because what could have been would have been much worse.

Here is Princess Gigi leaving the hospital . As you can see she was pretty banged up, however she looks completely different now. Blessed be God in the Good and the Bad!
Remember the Holy Souls and ask for their intercession!

(The following prayer was given to St. Gertrude and Jesus promised that every time it was said, 1,000 souls would be released from Purgatory and allowed into God's Presence. If this prayer is said 50 - 100 times a day by just 10 people, 1,000,000 souls would be released.)

"Eternal Father, I offer Thee the most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the Universal Church, those in my own home, and within my family. Amen. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus "


Scoobyloves2004 said...

Oh my goodness!!!! I am so sorry that happened to you and your precious little girl. Jesus was with her and you all. I will say a little prayer for her this evening!! God bless you!!

Allison said...

A family dog once bit my 2 year old, got him in the leg. Still haunts us too.

So sorry and so glad your precious one is OK.

God bless you all!

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