So we finally go the Christmas decorations up. I felt like it was going to take forever and finally it all just went up. Smoothly...that's because the hub and I waited until the monkeys were fast asleep. It's amazing the level of productivity when you don't have to stop every 3 minutes to break up WWIII.Here is some of our work :) It may not look like this in a few days thanks to my crew,but at least I have some picture proof now :)
What is it about Nativity Scenes and kids! Silly me bought this nativity set a year before me and the hubby got Married. It's a traditional Mexican nativity I bought in Monterrey Mexico while looking for some Wedding Favors etc...Silly me I actually thought I would be able to use it.Here is the original set up
But a few minutes later while I was getting things done in the kitchen they all decided to move around because apparently the original positions where not where they wanted to be..according to Princess Gigi.
I might add the Sheep disappeared 20 minutes later and have yet to be found. A small rewards is being offered for any information on their whereabouts.
So next it's off to bake the cookies and treats :) Here are some yummy numbers I found :-> realistically i know most won't happen but man they look yum!-4-
I'm thinking about doing something like this
Maybe trying to do it every year. It looks so sweet! It would be such a neat treat to see each hand grow :)
I have to say apart from all the wonderful things Christmas has to offer one of the things I look forward to the most are the Hallmark Movie Channel's Christmas movies. There is something so wonderful about all the movies they play during that time. You end up watching the worst possible situation turn out just fine with a little faith,hope and love. Makes the impossible seem possible :)-6-
Cold season has hit our home.Poor bummie was the first one to go down and has been a slimy mess for the past few days. She seems to be on the mend thanks in part to our Childlife Vitamins :) If you haven't tried these magical vitamins you have to! I've had my kids on them since they turn 6months old and my oldest went from Chronic ear infections/rashes/unexplainable fevers,etc..to barely ever getting sick. I have to say my kids really do kick viruses pretty quickly I know thanks in part to these vitamins and minerals. What are some of your weapons against cold and flu season?
Finally ,on a sad note I have to say my heart breaks for Michelle Duggar as well as the rest of the Duggar family on the loss of their precious little baby that she was 21 weeks pregnant with. Thinking about this pain,and what the family is going through makes me so sad for them. I hate how many have taken this time to judge,or make dumb comments regarding this. Miscarriage/stillbirth is one of the saddest things a heart can go through, no matter how far along you are and no matter how many children you have. It is the end of a dream,a wish and a hope. I still struggle with the pain of my recent miscarriage and I wasn't as far along as she was. They are in my prayers.I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed weekend and week!!

#7--I agree. I'm stunned by the amazingly insensitive and mean comments I've seen around the web. I try to avoid reading the commentary now because it just makes me sick that someone could be so gleeful over what is a true tragedy.
#6--Hope your littles get well soon! We are still fighting illness over here (all three kids are currently down for the count) and we don't have a magic bullet yet. Just lots of neb, Benadryl, Zyrtec and various and sundry. Honey works wonders on coughs, btw. My elder son has just been diagnosed with chronic ear troubles and is a good candidate for tubes, so maybe that will help him.
Oh, I didn't know about Michelle Duggar, prayers for her and the family. It's so sad people can be so cruel. it's a life and it is loved from the very beginning, because it is a life.
Those dark red bar thingy's look wonderful....not sure what color the kiddos poop would be after those though!!
(sorry had to say it)
The snowman cookies are adorable too, but we'll wait for January for those!!
Which vitamins would you reccommend? I looked at your link,but there are a ton of options!!
Want to stay healthy this year with baby coming!
Thanks again for the gift card!
I forgot to add, your house and tree look beautiful!! Just wait til your kiddos get bigger, mine decorated our whole tree (hubby and I did the lights) and somehow those ornaments get moved to the bottom....I think my 5 and 2 year old have been moving them around! haha!
Your tree is beauitful! My husband and I usually have to wait until our 3 boys are asleep to get anything accomplished around the house too.
I did!!That's why I said it!!! Red could be interesting....
Thanks for the info on the vitamins...
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daniel is recovered (and only a 4 day stay this time instead of 19) and i'm getting there.
definitely sad for michelle duggar. i hadn't heard the news (my mind has been on daniel being in the hospital over thanksgiving and getting me healed from the same thing that landed him in the hospital) but it's definitely a blow. i just hope people can behave themselves and not snark about it.
#2 - We have about 4 nativities and 2 of them we are missing pieces. No baby Jesus :(
#4 I saw that posted on Pinterest and posted it on my blog as well. It's so cool! I think to do it every year would be awesome to see how it changes :)
#5 I LOVE Christmas movies also! I've been watching them since November and love it! I said last week how do these ppl meet and get married in 6 weeks it's so cute but strange at the same time :)
#7 I agree no matter how many children you have a miscarriage is still sad and hard to get over. I just hope they don't do anything dumb being in the public...
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