I should have written them though because I was up cybershopping for some great cloth diaper deals. If you would have told me a few months ago I would be cloth diapering I would have called you crazy...but I guess there's a first time for everything :)-2-
I've been busy getting this blog going, I've been having a lot of fun and have gotten the chance to review some really neat products and will be having some awesome giveaways. I feel so blessed to be doing this because being a busy Stay at home mom you tend to forget about yourself and it's so nice to have an outlet to meet so many wonderful people. I am trying hard to promote small business on my facebook page as well as my giveaways by working together with other stay at home moms that have huge amounts of talents for example:![]() | |||
Fiona @ Poshpeanutkids |
Now that we are halfway through the school year and looking into what we will do with lo I think the idea of homeschooling is starting to resound stronger in this house. My husband is gung ho about it..much more than I am. I have the natural nervousness of not doing well or not having enough time in the day to do the million other things that need to get done. I guess I will just leave it in God's hand's and see what his plans are. For those of you that do home school what are some suggestions or recommendations you have if we do take that route?
Bob the elf on the shelf made an appearance the other day. I was hopping for better behavior from my bunch but it seems even an elf doesn't trump sugar intake at times...
We got some of the Christmas decorations out,still waiting for the hubby to bring up the tree from the basement. I am trying to focus in on the True meaning of Christmas with the kids and my husband and I started the St.Andrew's novena that runs from November 30- to Christmas. However, I have to say it is so much fun to turn back time and almost be a kid again watching movies like "Rudolf the Red nose reindeer" and "Santa Clause is coming to town" There is something so magical and fun about those movie that make everything go back to the simpler times.
My mom came to visit and will be here for the next month. I am so happy. When she comes it gives me such a break with the kids. They are beyond excited because their "Uah" is here, I'm excited because I have my best friend as well :) My dad will be coming in a couple of weeks to celebrate Christmas and we are also very excited about that. Our little family will be complete for a few weeks until they get to return to the heat of Florida and we get to tough it out the rest of the winter.
I saw the most eye opening video yesterday called "The Greater Good". As some of you have read in my previous post I am not Anti Vaccine but I am very concerned with the ingredients of vaccines as well as all the side effects they have shown. This Movie really made me think about what we are putting in our children's bodies. Here is the preview, if you get a chance to see do. I think it will make you think more in depth about the choices we are given for vaccines.
My mom came to visit and will be here for the next month. I am so happy. When she comes it gives me such a break with the kids. They are beyond excited because their "Uah" is here, I'm excited because I have my best friend as well :) My dad will be coming in a couple of weeks to celebrate Christmas and we are also very excited about that. Our little family will be complete for a few weeks until they get to return to the heat of Florida and we get to tough it out the rest of the winter.
I saw the most eye opening video yesterday called "The Greater Good". As some of you have read in my previous post I am not Anti Vaccine but I am very concerned with the ingredients of vaccines as well as all the side effects they have shown. This Movie really made me think about what we are putting in our children's bodies. Here is the preview, if you get a chance to see do. I think it will make you think more in depth about the choices we are given for vaccines.
Have a great weekend and week everyone!!!!

So happy your mom is visiting!
We don't vaccinate either!! I actually know more people who don't than do.
I'm dreading telling the nurses at the hospital when I have the baby not to put that goop in my baby's eyes...they look at you like you are hurting your kid or something. They always say, "It's only vitamin K" and I have to educate them and tell them it's not vitamin K--it's a vaccine for some sexual disease that my child would never get, because I've only been with my husband.
I haven't found many in blog world that don' t vaccinate though....
I <3 teaching my daughter... but that's a biased opinion! lol
well, damn if you do, damn if you don't. Stories like this made me stress over to vaccinate or not vaccinate my girls. Her Pediatrician informed me that vaccines are much more greener today then when "we" were vaccinated. He shared several stories of moms in his private clinic who chose not to vaccinate and their babies died or became extremely ill, they ended up in the hospital. so, again, damn if you do, damn if you don't. Both of my girls have had the MMR vaccine and THANKFULLY nothing happened, they are still fine. I think is call FEARMONGERING against vaccines. My mother did not think twice about vaccinated her 4 children in a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY.
The only vaccine we didn't get was the chicken pox and let me tell you, when I got the chicken pox, I felt like dying. When my first daughter got the chicken pox a year ago it took 3 days to come and gone. Praise the Chicken Pox vaccine! I didn't want my daughter to go through the pain I went through.
Just Saying.
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