My parents were given the opportunity to go to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in order to attend the "Mañanitas" a traditional signing to the Blessed Mother on her Feast day December 12. It is a beautiful collection of Artist and Popular singers in Mexico that make it to the Altar of the Basilica in order to Sing her praises of love. It is a tradition both beautiful in Religion as well as in the secular. The opportunity to attend this event is given to very few though due to the amount of security involved to protect the important people that attend this event. During this time the invited are given the honor of private viewing of the Beautiful "Tilma" in which she miraculously appeared to St. Juan Diego.
During this time my parents began a novena and a prayer chain asking for a miracle in which we would be able to start a family. For those that don't believe, the fact I was pregnant a few months later is mere coincidence, for those that do, the miracle doesn't escape your eyes. Either way her intervention doesn't go unonticed and we will always have gratitude to her for her intervention.
God has blessed us with 3 beautiful and healthy children however,sadly a month ago we miscarried our treasured 4th little Angel. I was only 2 months along in gestation and so we didn't know what the baby's sex was but decided to name our treasured Angel Guadalupe because of our Love For the Blessed Mother and because we know that her love and protection continues to help heal our hearts during this healing time.
I know for my non Catholic friends the idea of The Blessed Mother is something so foreign and for many this belief is idolatry. But let me paint it to you this way; If someone loves your mother aren't you grateful for that? As a Christian we love Jesus and he is Our Savior so why not consider his beautiful mother our own? Whether the belief is in your heart or not its neither here nor there. In my life she has proven herself in so many ways and my love for her is strong.
Our Lady of Guadalupe I ask you to help protect my children and family. Help us to always follow your son and accept his will. Protect us and help us each and every day!
Feliz Dia de La Virgen de Guadalupe! Happy Feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe!
Here is a beautiful song my family The Mora Arriaga's wrote in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Enjoy!!

So beautiful!
My husband and I were struggling to have a child when we first married as well. We'd been trying for 2 years. I knew of a group of people going to Lourdes from our church and they were taking prayer requests with them. I was working overtime and missed the opportunity. I cried and prayed so hard. I was at a loss.... one month later I discovered I was pregnant with our first child. I know this is no coincidence. Mary loves us so much! I always look to her for intervention.
What a beautiful experience. It is amazing what our trust in Jesus and the intercession of his mother can do for us.
This image has a place of honor in our my post the day our lives hanged forever....Ava Maria!!!! we are so blessed to have mary as our Mother....
That is such an AMAZING story! God works in miraculous ways! I once heard a priest talk about a similar story. He told them stop trying/forget about it and about 6 months later she finally got pregnant WITH TWINS and then he got to baptize them :) I love hearing great stories like this!
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