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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Susan Brown's Baby Product Review and Giveaway

I recently had a chance to review Susan Brown's baby products and I have to say I really enjoyed them. The bummy is incredibly allergic to fragrance and bath products so I always have to be careful what I put on her.

For such a big company Susan was the one who personally worked with me and was so great about trying to meet my baby's needs. I got a full size Baby Shampoo and wash to review as well as trial sizes of various products including her AMAZING Lotion to Powder. Which I have to say was one of MY favorite products.

The Bottles are a great size and are even perfect for traveling due to their twist top. 
The Shampoo if opened you will notice is a thin liquid but when you "squirt out" comes out a foam.
I found it funny because the bumster hates soaps any kind I put on her usually sends her into a frenzy well she just sat and played with this one.Even Princess Gigi joined in the fun and decided to help out and give Bummy a bath! As you can see the product was foamy but not excessively which was nice.

It has a light smell and not to overpowering and left Bummies hair nice and soft after use :)

Now for some fun! If you purchase any of her products use code “SBBMOM” to get 10% off of your order at  Susan Brown's Baby! We are also giving away 1 (one) Baby Shampoo and Wash for one of my lucky readers to try out! So make sure and check out all the ways to enter and win! 
Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Take $5 off your first order with coupon REF10

Take $5 off your first order with coupon  REF10
"Never has the devil found such fertile territory upon which to work as in this era when his very existence is denied by so many" - St. Padre Pio